Level 3 Immediate Management of Anaphylaxis

£ 372.00


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1 day
Level 3
Practical & Written


First Aid AwardsFirst Aid Awards Brand URL : http://www.firstaidawards.com/

Product Details

 An Anaphylactic shock, or anaphylaxis, is a life-threatening, serious allergic reaction to an allergen such as food substances or insect stings. If it is not treated appropriately, it may cause death. This training is for qualified First Aiders and Emergency First Aiders to enable them to recognise and treat anaphylaxis safely and effectively.

When administering a medication, it is important to recognise and differentiate between allergic reactions and the potentially life-threatening anaphylactic reactions immediately. It is also essential to determine whether the individual has had an allergic or anaphylactic response to the medication in the past or prior to administration.

This course is suitable for all First Aiders and healthcare professionals, as well as those in a high-risk environment where such medication is available.

The Anaphylaxis course is made up of practical and theoretical sessions which include a range of topics are covered including:

At the end of the course, learners will be able to:

  • Describe anaphylaxis
  • Identify triggers for anaphylaxis

Describe life-threatening problems associated with the:

  • Airway
  • Breathing
  • Circulation
  • Disability (Neurological status)
  • Exposure (Skin and mucosal changes)
  • Explain the need for an early call for help

Explain the treatment for anaphylaxis:

  • Non-rebreather mask
  • Removal of trigger
  • Auto-injector
  • Identify key features of adrenaline-auto injectors
  • Conduct an initial assessment using the ABCDE approach
  • Demonstrate a recovery position
  • Demonstrate resuscitation for adult and/or child
  • Recognise the need to use an auto-injector
  • Prepare medication for administration during anaphylaxis treatment
  • Demonstrate the safe use of an adrenaline auto-injector using a training device
  • Safely dispose of sharps according to agreed ways of working
  • Handover the casualty to a medical professional

The course is facilitated through group and class discussion to involve all candidates and to ensure all candidates are grasping the board topics ready for the assessment.

There will be practical sessions to ensure candidates hold relevant first aid knowledge and to introduce the new skills of medication administration.

Candidates can wear clothing that they feel comfortable to support their learning while taking part in group discussions and practical sessions with other candidates. Candidates should be aware they will be practising placing one another in the recovery position and practising resuscitation. We, therefore, recommend flat shoes, trousers and to be cautious of baggy low tops.

The price includes:

  • Candidate registration fees
  • Certification
  • Course handbook
  • All training equipment for practical sessions
  • Great instructors

The course includes a Management of Anaphylaxis handbook produced by Instructuk Resources Ltd to support the course.

There is no post-course learning for this course.

You can arrange a program of support from Dewi Development Ltd for your staff, where they can assess debrief session should one of your employees need to use their skills.

The Anaphylaxis course includes a range of assessment methods including interactive group discussion and practical sessions which are monitored by the tutor. The course finishes with a written multi-choice and open question paper at the end of the course.

Successful candidates will be issued with an Ofqual regulated Level 3 Immediate Management of Anaphylaxis by the awarding body First Aid Awards.


The Immediate Management of Anaphylaxis qualification lasts for three years and can be renewed by resitting the qualification.

It is recommended to complete Continual Professional Development on a yearly basis to maintain practical skills and keep information at the forefront.

We can deliver the training at your venue which has a suitable training room or we can support you in arranging a suitable external venue. Training at your venue can save you costs but at the same time risk your staff being distracted by day to day concerns that arise, which may not be suitable as they approach the assessment.

Locations will require:

  • Room big enough to sit 16 candidates to sit in a horseshoe
  • Tables for group work and assessment at the end of the session
  • Floor space to practise their first aid skills
  • Projector and screen with computer connection, however, we can provide a projector with laptop

The course will have three planned breaks, including lunch. No refreshments are included when delivered at one of your venues, but tea and coffee will be included when delivered at a venue arranged by ourselves.

Candidate Needs

The role of a first aider includes the ability to respond to demanding situations. If there are concerns about whether an individual is physically fit enough, an individual assessment should be carried out to identify if the individual can effectively carry out the role. In keeping with a first aid role, the course involves various practical sessions, where candidates will need to get down to the floor to practise their first aid skills. This will include practising recovery position and demonstrating effective resuscitation for a minimum amount of time. If you have any concerns about carrying out these activities, you should get in touch before booking the course.

If candidates have any physical or learning needs for the group work or for the assessment, this should be notified as part of the booking.

More Information

If you have any additional questions, do not hesitate to contact us.


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