Firework display in sky

First Aid for Everyone – Bonfire Night

November is the time of fireworks and bonfires. While they look spectacular, mismanaged fires or fireworks can lead to serious injuries for adults and children. When the unthinkable happens, it is important to act quickly and remove all the heat from a burn to minimise the damage. Consider a lovely cooked runny egg which is left, the heat will continue to cook and harden the yoke. We do not want our skin to continue cooking, so this month we take a look at the treatment of burns.

Young body jumping in puddle on dirt track

Paediatric First Aid certificate extension

The Department of Education has updated its advice on Paediatric First Aid certificate renewal dates where there is an impact from COVID-19.

Close up of triangular bandage being tied

First Aid for Work Update during COVID-19

UPDATED 24/09/2020 Latest Guidance The latest information for First Aid requirements during COVID-19, including FIrst Aid Cover at premises, First Aid certificate expiry, on-line learning and the restart of face to face training.

COVID-19 Resuscitation Advice 12 March 2020

UPDATED 25/03/2020 Latest Guidance As the COVID-19 virus develops, we take a look at the guidance on providing first aid and carrying out cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to keep the first aider safe and to save the life of the casualty.

Child having a seizure with lady watching over

First aid for children - Seizures

In our third in our series of articles looking at first aid for children, we take a look at seizures. There are different types of seizures with most recognised as tonic-clonic, where child uncontrollably twitches. This can be quite scary to watch when not seen before, but there are simple things that you can do.

Boy with asthma seated taking ventolin supported by lady

First aid for children - Asthma

In our second in our series of articles looking at first aid for children, we take a look at asthma. Asthma affects the air passages carrying air to the lungs, making it difficult for the child to breath. Asthma can be life-threatening when not treated properly and in this article we look at what you can do.

Child standing choking and receiving back blows

First aid for children - Choking

In our first of a series of articles looking at first aid for children, we take a look at choking. Choking in a child is one of every parent's worst fears and in this article we look at what we can do to support a child who is choking.

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