First Aid at Work & Forestry First Aid F+ course

£ 1,005.00
Price per additional place £ 40


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3 days
Level 3
Practical & Written


QualSafeQualSafe Brand URL :


Regulated Overview

Product Details

This 3-day extended course is ideal for individuals working in the outdoors, providing First Aid skills as well environment-specific skills. The course provides the skills to act as the first aider in the workplace as well as the course looking at the effects of temperature, catastrophic bleeds, crush injuries, snake bites and Lyme disease.

This course meets the Health and Safety Executive’s requirements for one or more emergency first aiders in the workplace and meets the requirement of the Forestry Commission's First Aid Policy or Natural Resources Wales First Aid Policy. You can find further information on the Forestry Commission Policy on First Aid on their website Foresty England First Aid Policy or the Natural Resources Wales Policy on First Aid at their website Natural Resources Wales - First Aid Policy.

Intended Audience

This course is suitable for individuals appointed as emergency first aiders in the workplace, including

  • Tree surgeons
  • Farmers
  • Forestry Commission staff
  • Natural Resource Wales staff
  • Individuals working in the remote environment

The First Aid at Work & Forestry First Aid F+ course includes the following topics:

  • The role and responsibilities of a first aider in the workplace
  • Assessing an incident
  • Managing an unresponsive casualty
  • CPR and defibrillation
  • Recovery Position
  • Heart Attack
  • Stroke
  • Choking
  • Epilepsy
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Shock
  • Head and spinal injuries
  • Chest injuries
  • Wounds and bleeding
  • Fractures
  • Sprains, strains and dislocations
  • Minor injuries
  • Burns and scalds
  • Poisoning
  • Eye injuries
  • Catastrophic bleeding
  • Crush injuries
  • Extremes of temprature
  • Lyme disease
  • Adder snake bites

The First Aid at Work & Forestry First Aid F+ training course will include a variety of interactive sessions including discussions, group break-out activities and practical scenarios with a variety of first aid equipment. All of these elements will build the candidates' knowledge to help them pass the assessments and to build their confidence to provide first aid.

The practical scenarios will include recovery position, resuscitation, the use of Automated External Defibrillators and blood loss with shock. All candidates need to be physically able to take part in these scenarios with many of them taking place on the floor.

Candidates should wear clothing that they feel comfortable with to support their learning while taking part in group discussions and practical sessions with other candidates. Candidates should be aware they will be practising placing one another in the recovery position and practising resuscitation. We, therefore, recommend flat shoes, and trousers and to be cautious of baggy low tops.

The price includes:

  • Registration with the Awarding Body
  • Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work electronic certificate
  • Level 3 Award in Forestry First Aid F+ electronic certificate
  • First Aid Made Easy book to accompany the training
  • Forestry First Aid F+ book to accompany the training
  • Discount on first aid kit
  • Reminder card and pen
  • First Aid consumables for each candidate
  • Access to First Aid equipment to practise all scenarios in pairs
  • 3 days extended training with trainers experienced in first aider
  • Travel in the Swansea area

If there are additional costs, we will agree on these at the time of booking, for example, excess travel, off-site parking, and venue hire.

There is no post-course learning for this course.

You can arrange a program of support from Dewi Development Ltd for your staff, this can include ongoing coaching, annual Continual Professional Development or access to a debrief session.

The Continual Professional Development is recommended to be a half day and we can focus the topics around the needs of your staff and your business.

Your staff may wish to access a debrief session following a serious incident in which they utilised their skills and need to discuss the actions they took.

As a regulated qualification there are assessments to ensure the candidates have reached the required standard. The face-to-face course prepares candidates for the assessments.

There are three multi-choice papers and 8 practical assessments which are built into the three days. The practical assessments are observed as individuals develop their skills through the course.

Successful candidates will be issued with an Ofqual regulated Level 3 First Aid at Work and Level 3 Forestry First Aid F+ by the awarding body QualSafe Awards.


The qualification lasts for three years and can be renewed by sitting a Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work Requalification and Forestry First Aid F+ before the qualification expires or within one month. Please see Level 3 First Aid at Work Requalification for exact details.

If you no longer require for the forestry element of the course, you can renew the First Aid at Work by attending the Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work Requalification.

We can deliver the training at your venue which has a suitable training room or we can support you in arranging a suitable external venue. Training at your venue can save you costs but be aware staff can be distracted by day-to-day concerns.

Locations will require:

  • Room big enough to sit 12 candidates to sit in a horseshoe
  • Tables for group work and assessment at the end of the session
  • Floor space to practise their first aid skills
  • Projector and screen with computer connection, however, we can provide a projector with a laptop

While we will deliver our courses across the country, we focus on supporting local businesses in south Wales from Cardigan to Haverfordwest, Carmarthen, Swansea, Cardiff and Newport.

The course will have three planned breaks per day, including lunch. Refreshments are NOT included when delivered at one of your venues, but tea and coffee will be included when delivered at a venue arranged by ourselves.

The course involves various practical sessions, where candidates will need to get down to the floor to practise their first aid skills. This will include practising recovery position and demonstrating effective resuscitation for a minimum amount of time. If you have any concerns about your candidates carrying out these activities, you should get in touch before booking the course.

If candidates have any physical or learning needs for the group work or for the assessment, this should be notified as part of the booking. We may be able to provide reasonable adjustments to support candidates learning, but we need to agree on all adjustments in advance with the Awarding Body.

Age Guidance

While a student can qualify at 14, they may not assume responsibility in the workplace until they are 16 and then it is the employer's responsibility to ensure the individual is suitable for the role.

Completion Time

This course can be completed over a number of sessions, as long as it is completed within 4 weeks of starting.

More Information

If you have any additional questions, do not hesitate to contact us.


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