The latest update to our Learning Management System provides our own certificates for all our courses whether accredited or unaccredited. This provides the benefit of:
- consistent certificates across all our courses and delivery methods
- on-line management of certificates
- each certificate uniquely identified
- online access for students to their certificates
- access for managers for all their staff certificates
- access for people to verify a certificate presented to them is genuine
While candidates attending unaccredited training will only receive one certificate electronically issued by Dewi Development, accredited courses will also receive a printed certificate from the Awarding Body.
My Certificates
Students can log into the website to view their Profile and training history. By viewing 'My Certificates' they can see the certificates issued to them by Dewi Development from all the courses they have completed either face to face or online. Students can download an up to date copy of their certificate as a PDF which they can either print or e-mail as evidence of attainment.
In the case of accredited courses, the copy certificates are from Dewi Development and not the Awarding Body.
Go to 'Profile' > 'My Certificates'
Certificate Verification
Every certificate has a unique reference which can be verified through our site. By going to Verify Certificate you can enter the 'Certificate no.' and the site will inform you if it is a valid certificate.
Go to 'Training' > under Policies - 'Verify Certificate'
QR Code
Every certificate will display a QR Code which provides verification for the certificate. A person can scan the QR code with their phone which will load our website either confirming or denying the validity of the certificate.
Managing staff or children
If an individual has staff or children who have attended training with Dewi Development, they will be able to view the person's training records. They can see the certificates their staff/children have attained and download a copy. This provides managers with the benefit of access to copy certificates when requested by a contractor.
Staff go to 'Staff' > 'Certificates'
Children go to 'Children' > 'Certificates'